who knew..............they still make candy stripers. (but they don't make enough of 'em.)
candy stripers still wear the exact same uniform that they wore back in the day when i wanted to be a candy striper but for some reason, i never was. why a girl who always wanted to be a candy striper never was a candy striper is beyond me. actually, it's not beyond me. i know exactly why i never was a candy striper.........
the '60s.
the '60s.
the '60s screwed everything up, which is ironic, because truly, i don't think the rebels of the '60s meant to screw everything up........but they did. they made the world a worse place.
i should probably defend that position with a long and wordy essay on why i think the '60s made the world a worse place but i'm not going to. those of you who think the '60s made the world a better place are never gonna agree with me anyway and those of you who think (correctly) that the '60s made the world a worse place would rather that i skip the wordy sermon and just bring you a nice hot cup of coffee from the cafeteria and the newspaper.
coming right up.......
with a (non-drug-induced ) smile.