
Thursday, December 29, 2011

stop being selfish about new year's resolutions

it bothers me how people scoff when the subject of new year's resolutions comes up.

they dismiss resolutions with a wave of the hand. "why make resolutions?" they say, "i'm not gonna keep 'em anyway."

maybe that, right there, oughta be your resolution - quit saying you're gonna quit.

what kind of person plans to quit? plans to fail? plans to let everybody down?

i was lucky, in many regards, with the kind of parents God gave me. one of the luckiest ways is how they both stick to it. first of all, they recognize that they need to improve (who doesn't? you? ha!) and then, they improve. period.  my parents have the greatest follow-through of any two people i have ever in my whole life known. if they say they're gonna do it, they do it. you can take it to the bank.

i think the world would be a whole lot better place if we could all count on each other like that. if we could wake up on january 1st (and then, every day following) knowing that the people we love love us enough to change.

my parents didn't do it for them. they did it for me.'s your turn.