everyone should have a kitchen window sill over the sink. and everyone should have a pie cooling on it.
many homes don't have kitchen window sills over the sink because.....well, i don't know because why. it makes no sense to build a house without a kitchen window over the sink, but they do it all the time.
kitchen window sills or, more correctly, the absence of them, is why the world is in such a mess. if you think i'm being simplistic, just ask yourself this......have you ever entered a kitchen with a pie cooling in the window sill and everything wasn't o.k.?
of course you haven't. pshaw!
wars absolutely can.not be waged if an apple pie is sitting in the window. neither can kids playing outside fuss and fight very long once they catch a whiff of that heavenly aroma.
oh.........that's right. kids don't play outside.
another reason why the world's such a mess.