
Thursday, January 24, 2013


everyone is so smug. i'm smug! i'm probably the smuggest of 'em all!

smug is bad. smug is so bad that it seems like there should have been a commandment against it. which, in fact, there was. is. all ten of 'em.

all ten of the commandments - or even if you're a relativist and you make up your own moral rules - boil down to one thing: don't be smug. don't be a smart ass. don't run around acting like you're all that and a bag of chips. and by the way, saying that you don't think you're all that and a bag of chips doesn't change the fact that, yes, you do. 

you're smug. and it's highly unattractive.

i leave you now with, so help me, God, my nose slightly less in the air than before.