i like weeds. always have. they interest me. like, for example, who gets to decide what's a weed and what's not? i'd like to have that job because if i did, i'd take a lot of weeds and put them on the no-weed list. like those ones with the tiny, tiny yellow flowers.......what are those? i like those.
i like pulling them. i like not pulling them and just letting them do their thing.
i also like the way weeds are always wherever they aren't "supposed" to be. they're not supposed to be in somebody's garden, but i like them there. sorta levels the playing field a little, you know? i especially like weeds in the cracks of the sidewalk.
weeds pretty much refuse to go away. you pull 'em, they grow back. you chemicalize 'em, they grow back. you keep the scotts company in business and still.......they grow back. if you aren't beginning to see the lesson in that, i might not be able to help you.
weeds, when you get right down to it, are just like Christ. not too many people voted for keeping Him, either. He kept popping up in places nobody thought He should, so they "pulled" Him. but damn that pesky Christ!!.....He just kept coming back!!
of all the things i like about weeds - and there are many - probably the main thing i like about weeds is how hopeful they make me feel every time i see them. i mean, every time i see Him.