everybody is a hypocrite about hypocrites.
nobody admits that he's a hypocrite - it's always someone else (usually a religious person). but we're all hypocrites, for crying out loud. we all tell everybody to do stuff and then we don't do it ourselves. and, in a certain way, i don't have a problem with that. mattera fact, i like that!
look. of course the higher ideal is to do both - say it. do it. but how does saying it and not doing it make the truth of what you said any less real?
it doesn't.
what would be better? to say it and not do it or to not say it and not do it? to paraphrase meatloaf, one out of two ain't bad.
i don't even necessarily have a problem with people who say it, don't do it, but say they do it. at least they have sense enough to understand that what they are preaching is right - and at least they have enough dignity left in themselves to want to present as doing the right. i don't have a problem with that, folks. do i prefer it? of course not.
here's what i prefer: i prefer that you not call anybody a hypocrite unless you are absolutely sure that you have never been one. and if you have never been one, then grab hold of the hand of one who has (is).
that will really prove you're not one.