people should have cocktail hour and it should include cheese and crackers. to be followed by a dinner of steak, salad, and baked potato. when was the last time you had cheese and crackers at cocktail time followed by a dinner of steak, salad, and baked potato? see what i mean? that's what's wrong with the world.
alternatively, you can have mixed nuts and a beer or herring in sour cream with a nice glass of wine. if you absolutely must abstain from alcohol, then a coke is permissible. followed by pretty much anything you want - which, i admit, is one advantage to abstaining from alcohol.
if you don't feel like cooking you're allowed to go out to eat but ladies, put on a dress and gentlemen, wear a sports coat. act like you've got some sense. and go to a "supper club." if you can't find a "supper club" anywhere, build one. act like you've got some initiative.
after dinner, have coffee. if you're mormon, convert. coffee in a nice little demitasse cup and a very thin slice of plain....traditional......regular cheesecake. what, were you raised in a barn????
and on monday night, eat meatloaf.
the future of the world depends on it.