Tuesday, September 23, 2014
they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.
they're grading what used to be the cornfield behind where i live because they're going to build more homes where the corn used to be. but i liked looking at that corn. the sun used to settle real nice and low over it. but they're grading it anyway. and they probably don't care what i think about it.
i don't really blame them for not caring what i think about it. i don't care what they think about my grapevine tree on my back patio with an american flag stuck in it. which they have to look at whether they want to or not every time they pass this way with that stupid grader.
and they have passed by a lot. for almost 2 weeks now, every day, all day. how can any land be that uneven? unless it's a mountain.
speaking of mountains, how did they ever blast through those things and build roads? if it takes 2 weeks, 7 days in a week, every day, all day for, let's say, 8 hours a day to plow down a cornfield, how long does it take to build highway number whatever it is through west virginia? nobody knows the answer to that question because that's a story problem and nobody knows how to solve story problems.
most folks know how to roast corn, though.