rudy made a book for me in honor of my 60th birthday last november. it's a book of 60 things he loves about me.
he brought me a goodie bag one time when he came to columbus for the weekend. in it was one of those remote cell phone charger things, my new blue cross insurance card (thanks to him and his employer), a leather-bound book of 52 scripture verses (one for each week of the year), some chocolates, and some things i can't - or at least, won't - mention. :)
he drove all day on thanksgiving day, from augusta to columbus - had a chicken patty for his thanksgiving "dinner" at some fast food place along the way - just to be with me.
he proposed to me on the big screen at the planetarium, with my name and his written among the stars in the sky, and on his knee.
he opens the door for me. insists on it. pulls out my chair. insists on that. (i often forget that he wants to do these things and i start to do them myself. i have never had a man do these things for me. our feminist culture has taught me that i shouldn't want a man to do these things for me. but, i do. turns out, being treated nicely isn't so oppressive after all.)
when we're walking on the sidewalk, he makes sure he's the one closer to the traffic. turns out, being treated with chivalry isn't so oppressive after all. unless you consider being alive when your husband could possibly be dead to be oppressive.
he bought me the coolest cosmetic bag i have ever had. surprised me. no occasion. cosmetic bag. cool. for you, nancy. here you go.
i don't even know of any other man who would even recognize a cosmetic bag if it hit him in the face.
the first time i flew to augusta, he was at the airport with flowers.
he sent flowers to mark our first week anniversary.
he did all the wedding planning. all of it.
on our first night as honeymooners at the biltmore inn, he had pre-arranged for us to have the best table in the dining room. and it was killer good.
he scattered pictures of my family throughout his (our) house so that i would see them first thing when i moved here this past sunday. and would feel more at home.
since september, he has bought me about 12 thoughtful, personal gifts, not including Christmas. i can't count them all. just because i can't count them all doesn't mean you need to stop buying them, rudy. :)
he asked the saxophonist last night at the restaurant to serenade me at our table. and he didn't just ask him - he pre-arranged it. it was all set up ahead of time. the only thing rudy needed to do was to give the guy the signal that yes, now is the time - get over here and play, dude.
rudy compliments me in a thousand ways every day. he tells me things that women want to hear - at least the women i know want to hear - and he means it. he dances on air for me. and he says he can't help it - it just happens.
but it doesn't "just happen." none of this does. here's what "just happens": rudy loves Christ.
and he puts Him first. ahead of me. way ahead of me. way ahead of everything.
with two men like that,
how in the world can i lose?