
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

anger that comes out the top of your head

i have had so much of that this year, i don't know where to start. so i won't start anywhere. i'll talk about something else instead.

i'll talk about how i really wish people would stop being so horrified when they hear that i like snow.

i'll talk about how it's a terrible, terrible, hurtful thing to scrawl the word "TRASH" across the back window of somebody's car.

instead of talking about having so much anger that it comes clear out the top of your head......instead of talking about that, i'll talk about how my dog can't sleep (a-gain), and how i am going out of my mind with sleep deprivation.

i'll talk about 5 ohio state football players who don't seem to have too much moral compass inside them and then i'll talk about the whole rest of the world who doesn't seem to, either.

i'll talk about "buy one/get one free" and how that just means buy two and pay more for the first.

i'll talk about how i cannot comprehend how it is that so many people can go to church on a pretty regular basis, sit there, appear to listen, and then turn around and act like assholes.

i'll talk about anything except the anger that comes out the top of my head.