if you know, without looking it up, what "Laudeter Jesus Christus" means, then you must want that old time (Catholic) religion, too.
and, if you know, without looking it up, what you are supposed to say in response to someone who says to you, "Laudeter Jesus Christus," then you must be the pope. either that or on the payroll at wikipedia.
"Laudeter Jesus Christus," unless you are a complete moron, isn't really all that hard to figure out. there's really only one word - and that's the first one - that should give you any amount of difficulty at all - and that one shouldn't give you much. i mean, "laudeter, laud, honor, glory, all glory, laud, and honor...." - how hard can it be, right?
where the real trick comes in is in knowing what to say back to a person who just said "Laudeter Jesus Christus" to you. without looking it up, that is.
without looking it up and off the top of my head, i would probably guess that what i should say back to a person who just said, "Laudeter Jesus Christus" to me is..... i should probably say back to the person who just said that to me, i should probably say, "amen." or, maybe, "amen, amen!" (but definitely not "sure, dude. whatever.")
if, without looking it up and off the top of your head, if you would guess that what you should say back to a person who just said, "Laudeter Jesus Christus" to you is, "in saecula! amen!" -you would be right. (you would also be the pope. either that or on the payroll at wikipedia.)
"Laudeter Jesus Christus" which, without looking it up and off the top of your head i sure hope you have enough sense to figure out is latin, means "praised be Jesus Christ," and the correct response that you should make when someone says, "Laudeter Jesus Christus" to you - which, granted, isn't very often - (and, sidebar here - that, according to those who want you to give 'em the old time (Catholic) religion, is part of the problem) - but, what you are supposed to say when someone says "Laudeter Jesus Christus" to you is, you are supposed to say, "in saecula! amen," which, also in latin, means, "forever! amen!"
if you don't like "in saecula! amen!" which, sidebar here - what's not to like? - but if you don't like "in saecula! amen!" you can say "nunc et in aeternum! amen!" which, personally, i find harder to say and get it right, but if you took latin in high school, go for it.
but, the whole point of my post this morning isn't so much what the words "Laudeter Jesus Christus," and "in saecula! amen," and "nunc et in aeternum! amen!" mean (by the way, "nunc et in aeternum! amen!" means "now and forever! amen!).....but the whole point isn't so much what the words themselves mean, although, don't get me wrong......what the words mean is vitally important, especially to people who want you to give 'em that old time (Catholic) religion.....but the bigger point, the larger point here is that there is a movement afoot, within the Catholic church, to restore many of the traditions and practices and customs and devotions of the old time Catholic (pre-vatican II) church, including saying such things as, "Laudeter Jesus Christus!"
and to that i say......
you betcha.