
Sunday, February 13, 2011

if i act like a fool, will you let me do your taxes?

now, ordinarily, no, but those statue of liberty folks sorta melt my heart. sup with me?

you know who i mean, right? they dress up like the statue of liberty or maybe uncle sam and they stand on the street corner, waving their arms all over creation, trying to get your attention (how could they not get your attention?) so that you will decide not to go to target to buy that cute little wall hanging that just went on sale and instead you will stop to let some hapless goofball with a giant green crown on his head who probably got kicked out of the circus figure out how much money you owe the feds.

ordinarily, you would LOL and breeze right by a guy like that, right?

well, i have breezed by plenty of guys like that and yesterday was no exception. i breezed by two uncle sams, two statues of liberty (but my heart did melt a little), and one something-or-other that was maybe a cross between a clown (see? got kicked out of the circus) and a glow worm. or maybe it was a pterodactyl.

anyway, those guys weren't that hard to resist, but the santa claus was.

yes - santa claus! it was brilliant! who better to do your taxes than santa claus? the one guy in the whole wide world whose only job is to get. you. what. you. want. (and you can be darned sure he doesn't pay any taxes doin' it!)

who better than santa claus to sweeten the deal?

so, what i did was, i breezed past santa, and then i turned around. i pulled into the target lot, turned around, and drove back past the santa claus - a good, fat, jolly one, at that - and slowed my car down.

i thought about stopping.

he could tell i was thinking about it.

we made eye contact.

maybe he'll still be there today.