there's something wrong when the patient isn't the priority. period.
when efficiency is the priority or convenience (for the provider) is the priority or revenue is the priority, that's wrong.
probably nobody would argue that.
but we all accept it.
well, i did my part to un-accept it this week:
i got hit with the flu, bronchitis, and a sinus infection all at once. it started on monday morning. i woke up, fully intending to go to work that day, got out of bed and was like, whoa, nellie!
i was so sick. i was awful. i could barely scrape myself back into the bed and then get out again when i had to.
i was sick. and i needed a doctor.
so i called my pcp and made an appointment for 3.30 that day. how i was gonna get myself there, i had no idea. turns out, i didn't get myself there. i couldn't get myself there. even if someone had driven me, i couldn't have done it. i could. not. do. all. the. things. a. person. needs. to. do. to. get. out. of. bed. and. get. ready. to. go. to. the. doctor.
i couldn't do it. period.
so, around noon, when it became apparent that there was no way i was going to the doctor, i called them and told them there was no way i was going to the doctor. i cancelled the 3.30 appointment and let it go at that. i didn't know what i was going to do, but for now, i was going back to sleep.
later that afternoon, i managed to call the doctor back. i realized i had to see him eventually - no, not eventually - soon. just not today.
i asked for an appointment on tuesday. nope, doctor's booked.
look, i said, i am incredibly, acutely ill, and i am a long time patient of dr. fill- in-the-blank. please. surely you can squeeze me in somewhere.
"dr. fill-in-the-blank has nothing available until thursday at 11.15."
"nope. sorry. you shouldn't've cancelled your 3.30."
ma'am, i had no choice but to cancel. i can't get out of the bed! i am sick beyond belief!
"if you're sick beyond belief, you shouldn't have cancelled your 3.30."
ok, look. what about this? can dr. fill-in-the-blank phone me in an antibiotic? he knows my health history like the back of his hand. i've been seeing him since 1985. i get bronchitis all the time, and i am sure i have it now. please?"
"nope. can't call antibiotics in without being seen. practice policy.", no shot at a house call, huh?
ok, well........i don't know what to do. i don't know what to do. i am sick as a dog and i need a doctor but i can't get myself to a doctor. i don't know what to do."
"you shouldn't have cancelled your 3.30."
a few minutes later, i called back.
i would like to leave a message to have dr. fill-in-the-blank call me, please.
"a message?"
yes. a message.
"dr. fill-in-the-blank is busy all day, back to back, with patients."
i understand. he can call me whenever. either between patients or later this evening after he has gotten home. whatever.
"dr. fill-in-the-blank is busy."
i know that! i get that! tell him he can call me whenever it suits him!
"i'll give him the message."
thank you.
a few minutes later, she calls back.
"i told dr. fill-in-the-blank that you want him to call you but he said you'll have to make an appointment."
so, long story short? i ended up on tuesday afternoon at one of cvs's minute clinics. then, on thursday, as encouraged by the nurse practitioner at cvs, i kept the 11.15 appointment with dr. fill-in-the-blank.
i had decided before i went in there that i was gonna fire him. not just for this reason.......there have been other issues over the years.......but i'll be damned if i will be dismissed like this, by a doctor who has benefited from my money for over 25 years. i will be damned.
so, i knew i was gonna fire him, but i wasn't gonna do it before he checked me out and gave me a script or two. then i was gonna lay it on him.
except......i got a little side-tracked.
his office is converting to paperless, so he had this nifty little laptop with him. he was struggling to use it and i could tell he was exasperated. i asked him how it's goin' with all the new technology.
"awful," he said. "awful."
yeah, i said, i can relate. i'm havin' trouble at work, too, with all the new do-dads and gadgets they want us to use.
"it slows me down!" he said. "it slows me down, and i can't see as many patients as before!"
i hear ya, i said. i'm havin' the same problem. i hate it. i hear ya.
"first of all, buying all this equipment cost us a lot of money. and then, we had to hire someone to help us get it all set up and to train us. that was money we couldn't afford. and now, on top of it all, i can't see as many patients! which means......"
(at this point i was thinking, i know what he means. he means that, damn, this isn't why he went into medicine in the first place. this isn't why i went into social work! he went into medicine to help people, just like i went into social work to help people. and now, here comes all this high-falutin' technology to mess it all up.) i knew what he was thinking. i knew.
"...and now, on top of it all, i can't see as many patients! which means......i can't make as much money!"
so much for "first, do no harm."