why on earth i ever decided to inform the IT guy at work that my hook handle was invalid, i have no idea, because now (why didn't i see this coming?)......now my hook handle is valid and now - you guessed it - now it doesn't work at all.
why i didn't just leave my invalid hook handle alone, i have no idea. that's probably what my invalid hook handle would have wanted anyway. i mean, wouldn't you? if you were an invalid hook handle, wouldn't you prefer that everyone just silently look the other way and not make a big hoo-ha over your invalidness? your invalidity? your second-class-citizen status? i know i would.
but, nooooooooooooooo. i had to do the "right thing" and inform the IT department that my hook handle was wonky and now that they've "fixed" it, i can't log on remotely at all. when i tried, this is what i got: "network administrator pinged the application but has not received response from host."
well, here's a response from this host:
IT department? you're not invited to the party.