
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the ides of march

growing up, i always thought it was the eyes of march, and that kinda freaked me out. who's eyes? what eyes?

later, when i learned that it wasn't the eyes of march, but the ides of march, i didn't feel much better. who's ides? what ides? what are ides?

even later, i learned that march isn't the only month with ides. all months have ides. why we only talk about march's ides, i have no ide(a).

an ide, for those of you who need to brush up, is basically something to do, more or less, kind of sort of, with full moons. the ides of march, in particular, has something to do with julius caesar. what it has, in particular, to do with julius caesar is that on the ides of march, i.e., the 15th of march, he got hacked to death (back in the days when "hacked" had nothing to do with some sleaze bag stealing your identity) in the roman senate. somebody told julius caesar to "beware the ides of march," and dude........that somebody wasn't playin.

so, in summary, we now know that it is the ides of march, not the eyes of march.

it is, however, still the eyes of laura mars.

not to mention bette davis.