the title is a little misleading because i don't know why. but they sure do it!
i have never had a male client who could resist jumping up and trying to hit whatever it is that's above his head. it might be the top of the door, it might be a basketball net (that one, i get), it might be the crown moulding.
when it comes to boys jumping up to slap stuff........if you're gonna argue nature vs. nurture with somebody, and you're gonna advocate for nurture, you're gonna lose the argument. it's just that freakin' simple. little boys jumping up to slap the tops of things is as built into their DNA as their little, um, um, built in as their little congressman wieners.
on the other hand, little boys no longer instantly recoil when a little girl walks by. those days are over. turns out, there's no DNA to explain that's all learned. nowadays, if your client is a little 7-year old boy and a little 8-year old girl walks by? nowadays, you might as well kiss (no pun intended) your counseling session with him good-bye. cuz the only thing on his mind is how cute she is. whereas, 30 years ago, she had cooties.
but cooties are a funny thing......if there were cooties on the crown moulding, i think they'd still jump.