going back to college or to college for the first time is not what it used to be. neither is it what it should be.......but i guess you knew i would think that.
first of all, who needs coordinating dorm room decor? the only thing your room decor needs to coordinate with is your books. and by books i mean gadgets, cuz they don't even make books anymore.
which, ok, means that the only color you gotta worry about is silver. and maybe some black. a smidge of white, and you're done with it. voila, buy a white washcloth and suddenly, your linens coordinate with your iPod.
buy a black pen and..... done!
need a microwave? no, you don't.
need a flat panel? no, you don't.
need furniture? freaking furniture? look here, you lousy college kids......the only furniture you need is the ugly consoles that the university provides and are bolted down to the floor. period. period!
when you get out of college.....when you get out of college and get a job (provided obama isn't president).....then you can buy your stupid microwave/t.v./barcolounger.
until then? get outa my way......i need a new microwave.