we read left to right. right? you don't pick up a book - unless it's in chinese - and it reads right to left. so why can't everything else be just as standard? why can't the bells and whistles and knobs and everything on everything be in the same place and work in the same way?????? Looooord, gimme some gray hair, why dontcha?
when you tell your IT guy at work that something went wrong and he says, "did you click the little box to the right?" and you say, "i don't remember. i clicked what made sense to click," and he says, "well, did you click the little box right above the first little box?" and you say, "i don't remember! i clicked what made sense to click!" and he says, "well, you probably clicked the wrong box," and you say, "yeah, i probably did," and he says, "well, next time, click the correct one."
musical tones and sound alerts and beeps and buzzes and alarms on everything that keep going off and nobody knows whose it is.
the fact that i have one brick, one doorstop, one box on top of another box, and a stroller all positioned by or in the cat room's door so that my dog doesn't get in there to eat their food and she still does.