
Sunday, January 1, 2012

holy days of obligation

today is a holy day of obligation in the catholic church - the solemnity of mary, the mother of God. a holy day  of obligation is just what it sounds like it is - a holy day on which you, as a catholic, are obligagted to go to Mass.

i remember back before i converted to catholicism and whenever one of my catholic friends said something about a holy day of obligation i was like, holy day of ob. li. ga. tion???? are you kidding me????

as if there was something wrong with obligating someone to go to church.

which there's not.

which. there. is. not.

let's  think about this for a minute......all you husbands out there? are you obligated to remember your anniversary? you bet your chestnuts roasting on an open fire you are.

valentine's day? obligated.

birthday? yup.

as well you should be.

and as well you should be glad to be.

yes. you should be glad to be obligated. because being obligated means you recognize that there is something outside of yourself that deserves more recognition than yourself.

but sadly.......most people don't get that.