no, not 490.........infinite. or as many times as it takes.
i'm no Biblical scholar by any means, but i like to think that at least part of the reason that Christ told us to forgive "70 times 7" is because He knew how hard it is to do it even once. He knew we'd need a lot of practice.
after 490 tries at just about anything, most of us could do it. i think even i could sink a free-throw shot if i tried 490 times.
it took me 3 tries to make a perfect crepe suzette. 5 tries to stick the landing on a spinach souffle. 15 attempts before i could legitimately call my sourdough "sourdough."
(i am stll trying to solve for 'X" in algebra. but.......i gotta admit.....i've never really tried all that hard.)
but, there is one kind of math problem we all better get serious about:
"70 times 7."