
Friday, April 6, 2012

because i feel at home there

it dawned on me this week that one of the reasons i like my job is that i feel at home with my clients.

i feel at home with them because when you get right down to it, i am them. i am them because when you get right down to it........they're sinners.

for the most part, i think most of us - myself included - think that we are not like the "kind" of people who comes to the attention of social workers. 

we think that we manage our lives better. we manage our finances better. we manage our relationships better. we make better choices. we take responsibility better. we don't act out. we don't stand in the front yard, cussing out our next-door neighbor.

we take daily baths.

we buy lysol........ and we use it.

we drink higher class beer and wine. and we don't throw the bottles in the yard.

and yes. it's true. most of us don't do those things. i, for one, have never once in my life thrown a beer bottle on the ground. well, except for maybe once. in college.

which, by the way, none of my clients ever goes to college.