until yesterday, i hadn't done THING ONE in preparation for Christmas. not thing one. but, now i have. i have crossed the first thing off my list - thanksgiving.
thanksgiving was a failure in our house yesterday. none of the food cooked. the oven wasn't completely dead - it seemed fairly warm - but after 7 hours, the turkey was only at 150 degrees, wouldn't brown, and the legs wouldn't budge when you tried to jiggle 'em. the side dishes were cool (temp, not style). the sweet potatoes crunched.
meanwhile, three babies got tired. and hungry. one baby's bottom flared up with a stinging diaper rash that required a sitz bath. two twins got restless. one twin's digestive tract decided to go haywire.
the food wouldn't cook.
finally, abby and eli threw in the towel (including the literal one used for the sitz bath) and packed up the whole motely crew, went back home, fed them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and put them down for much needed naps. my parents and i ate partially-cooked thanksgiving dinner.
we then packed up the remainders of said partially-cooked thanksgiving dinner and schlepped it over to abby and eli's so that they could continue cooking it. abby texted me about 3 hours later and said that the turkey still wasn't done.
is there such a thing as a defective turkey?
just in case there is........
ham for Christmas.