charlie and olivia made a tea party for abby and me yesterday. it was, well........unique.
for starters, we had a lot of food. just a little tea, but a lot of food. we had plastic turkey and plastic bananas and plastic ice cream cones and plastic corn-on-the-cob and plastic pork cutlets (or whatever they were), and plastic pumpkins.
except that we didn't.
we didn't because.......charlie wouldn't let us eat. every time we went to take a "bite," charlie whisked it away and returned to the "kitchen" with it. the food was always too something or not enough something to suit his standards and charlie, being the perfectionist (not to mention the control freak), wouldn't allow anyone to eat just any food. it had to be just right. even if it was plastic.
the other odd thing about this tea party was the amount of silverware provided. or, more accurately, the amount of silverware that was provided to me. charlie gave me about 14 forks, 10 spoons, and 8 knives. what he lacked in generosity where the eating of food was concerned, he more than made up for in cutlery.
olivia came dressed to the tea party in a fancy blue dress with a purple tutu. and charlie came dressed as spiderman. over which olivia wanted him to put on a fancy purple dress - and he intended to. (like i said.....odd.) he just never got around to putting it on, being too busy with trips back and forth to the kitchen.
as olivia, abby, and i sat there, watching charlie dash back and forth between the table and the kitchen and hoping that pretty soon he'd let us eat, olivia remarked that she was the boss of this tea party. "really," i said. "looks like charlie is the boss to me."
"no," she said, indignantly, "i'm the boss. charlie just thinks he's the boss."
smart girl, liv. smart girl. :)