one good thing about wanting a hippopotamus for Christmas is that you only want one. because if you wanted more than one, you'd have to worry about and figure out whether that means you want hippopotamuses or hippopotami. and that, right there, would take all the fun out of Christmas.
another good thing about Christmas that you probably didn't pay any attention to is that it pretty much stays. the. same. oh,'ve got your newfangled christmahannawanza goin' on and your ACLU trying its best to be the grinch (or, wait........maybe it's the grinch who's trying his best to be the ACLU!)...........
but, whatever..........sure, you've got your hallowgivingchristmahannaza goin' on and your ACLU/grinch thing goin' on, but other than that, really, it's the same thing, year in and year out. and that's good.
you've got your red and your green. done.
you've got your boxes in the attic. done.
you've got the manger scene you've had since you were a kid. done.
you've got your stockings and your cookies and your candy canes and, of course, the tree. nothing new about any of that. just good old, reliable Christmas.
another nice - and largely unappreciated - thing about Christmas is.......
Christ is born.