i am going to say it: why not 27? and.........if we're really gonna be Christian about it.......why not 28? or, at least 27 at one time and then a lone 28th sometime later?
i don't understand why his mother doesn't get a bell. i understand that she didn't go to that school. so if you just want to ring bells for the people who went to that school, i get that. that makes sense to me. they are in a special group. but why not a bell for his mother, later?
and even though it sickens me to think it much less to type it, why not a bell for him? especially if he was mentally ill, which seems to be the case.
but even if he wasn't mentally ill. even if he was just plain evil. actually........if he was just plain evil, i guess all the more reason to have mercy on his miserable soul. not to mention ring a lousy bell.
but i realize that ringing a bell for a maniac who went berserk and blew so many people's lives into smithereens is, at the very least, insensitive and disrespectful - not to mention in incredibly bad taste. in which case......no bell. but something. some acknowledgement that his life was a tragedy, too.
no, this isn't how my brain works. my brain works in the "let him fry" mode.
but my brain is part of the reason i'm not Christ.