an interesting angle arose this week at the intersection of the conversation about race and abortion rights, and i learned something new: that while it is possible (and not only possible, definite) that white people are racist even if they don't know it, women who support abortion can't likewise be mistaken.
a white person is a racist, period. that's what we've been told. and if a white person responds with, now wait a minute, i don't think i am a racist, well, shut up - because you are. you are racist and you misunderstand everything if you think you're not/don't.
however, if you try to tell a woman who supports abortion that perhaps she misunderstands everything and she shouldn't be supporting abortion rights even if she thinks she should, you're also told to shut up.
how can an entire race be something and not recognize it but a smaller group of people, i.e. women who support abortion, can't be something and not recognize it?
i got an A in geometry back when i was in school.
but i don't get this "new math."