
Saturday, July 6, 2013

what the hell does "mea culpa" mean?

it sure wouldn't hurt a few folks if they'd come down off that there horse of theirs which is waaaaaaaaaaay the hell up in the air and utter these two little words...........

"mea culpa."

in the catholic church, we say "mea culpa" at every mass. actually, what we say is - "mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa" - and get a load of this........we strike our breast when we say it! how's that for takin' responsibility?!

i'll tell you how's that for takin' responsibility - it's great. and it's right on the heels of love, which is what makes the world go 'round.

we can't have a loving world if nobody ever looks in the mirror anymore. we can't even talk to one another without chopping the other guy's head off if we refuse to consider that maybe we did something wrong - with no excuses of any kind being made.

the only latin i know is the latin i hear at mass (and in the fine print of some occasional hideous  legal paper i'm forced to read), so i don't know how to say "your fault, your fault, your most grievous fault" in latin (although i realize i could google it, but i'm too lazy - which is NOT my fault! besides, i already know the words that really matter - "my fault, my fault, my most grievous fault") and i am pretty sure that most ordinary joes don't know how to say it in latin, either. but, boy oh boy, do they ever know how to say it in english.

i have a lawyer friend who always tells everybody, no doubt as he was taught in law school to do, never to plead guilty to anything. unless you wanna go to prison. or worse.

i would never do that. plead not guilty if i were guilty. regardless of what the crime is, regardless of what the punishment would be. regardless of the impact it would have on the friends and family i might leave behind. i would never lie and say i didn't do it if i did. i don't care how stupid my lawyer friend - or you - might think that is.

repeat after me (it's really not that hard): "mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa."

we'll take up breast-striking next time.
