see, Christmas isn't over......Christmas is just starting.
yesterday was the first day of Christmas. today, follow along now, is the second. thaaaaaat's right......tomorrow will be the third.
we do Christmas backwards. we say it starts the day after thanksgiving (if not sooner) and for many, it ends today (check the curb if you don't believe me). holy cow, people, give the wise men a chance to get there, will ya?
technically, the tree shouldn't have gone up until, well, until today. yesterday afternoon or evening at the earliest. and it should stay up at least until epiphany. don't know what epiphany is? look it up.
the baking commences now. the parties commence now. "black friday" is now.
instead of walking into the grocery store and finding the seasonal aisle being stripped of all things Christmas - to make way for all things valentine - the Christmas stuff should just be arriving. because, um......Jesus just arrived.
today, if i can find 'em (and i won't be able to), ima get me a coupla turtle doves (not sure what i'll do with 'em once i get 'em..... but ima try to get 'em). and tomorrow, dinner will be three french hens. or, more likely, one american chicken.
i'll confess.......the eight maids a-milking part kinda has me freaked out.