
Sunday, December 8, 2013

george jetson gets a job at amazon.

have you heard? amazon is testing the idea of having drones deliver packages right to your door. within 30 minutes of your ordering them! can you say, "star. trek?"

according to reports (nope, sorry - don't have the link(s). look it up your own lazy self!).......according to reports, amazon's most aggressive timetable for being able to do this is in 2015, with more realistic ones putting it in the 5-years-from-now zone. 


i don't know about you, but i'm havin' trouble seein' how this is gonna work in new york city. a cornfield in iowa? ok. that makes some sense. (as much sense as a scarecrow in a cornfield in iowa ordering something from old navy makes sense, that is. although......a scarecrow ordering something from plow and hearth probably does make sense. a whole lotta sense, in fact.)

but, my thing is, why do i need something 30 minutes from now? and if i do need something 30 minutes from now, i shoulda planned better!

my other thing is.....drones???? really???? and linus was sarcastic when he said that a pink, aluminum Christmas "tree" really brought the spirit of the holiday home.


do i want to live in a world where a gunmetal gray thingamajig in the sky brings my stuff to me? no, i do not. it's impersonal as hell, scary, and besides,i don't fit the part of a jane jetson.

my waist has never been that small.