- yes. i agree. he is a (fill in the blank).
- yes. i agree. being miserable with how he blew it, he is reaping exactly what he sowed. or, in the vernacular, getting what he deserves.
- yes. i agree. i should - and would - never take him back.
here's my thing:
- i am called - you are called - (commanded, actually) to love more than to be loved.
- to forgive more than to be forgiven.
- to understand more than to be understood.
i don't take that lightly.
here's my other thing:
- i have looked in the mirror.
- who am i to judge if my sins are "better" than his?
- what challenge might i someday be confronted with and find that my character test has its shameful limits, too?
" For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life." - st. francis of assisi