the first bonne bell cosmetic i ever used was their ten-o-six lotion. well.......they called it lotion, but it was actually astringent. it was thee acne buster par exellence among the junior high and high school crowd. even if you weren't lucky enough to go steady, you could at least control your zits like the popular kids did.
the next thing i tried - and they still sell these in the stores - was their lip smackers. lip smackers came and still do in every flavor freaking imaginable. it's a great world when your lip gloss tastes like dr. pepper.
they also made (still do - mail order!) this stuff called "white white." i bought my first tube just because i liked the name. i mean, how late did somebody have to stay up thinkin' of "white white?" about 5 minutes, that's how long. i loved how the un-originality of the name made it so original.
white white was (is!) whatever you wanted it to be. you could use it as concealer (gotta be careful, though; don't wanna look like a raccoon)or as eye highlighter or cheek highlighter or hell, if you were nancy bridgman (one of the popular kids where i went to school), you could even get away wearing it as lipstick. anybody else woulda looked dead - and maybe nancy did - but everyone thought she was the bomb. (or, as we used to call it back in the day........"tuff.")
bonne bell also makes this wonderful gel cheek color. it comes in pink, red, peach, and tawny. i use red, which sounds garish but really it's not. it's so clear and transparent and glowy. i have used no other cheek blush since 1967. i still use it to this day. every day.
true story.
there is absolutely nothing else in the whole wide world that i have done every day since 1967. well, besides breathe.
bonne bell makes a killer breath mint, by the way.(just ask nancy bridgman. she got kissed. a lot.)