Christ taught us to humble ourselves so low that we would stoop - literally - to wash - literally - another person's feet.
indeed......that's humble. but, so too is (or can be)the washee. we don't usually think of it from that perspective. i think we should.
i wasn't expecting a wake-up call in the form of my feet, but that's how it came nevertheless:
tonight, in many Christian churches across the world, 12 people from each congregation (12 apostles/12 people......get it?) will have their feet washed by their priest, pastor, minister, whatever - in observance of Christ having done the very same thing for His apostles in the upper room on the night before He was crucified. He did it to instruct them how to behave. how to erase the lines between the haves and the have nots. to teach them that only by being lowly can they be elevated. and to show them that, hell, if He can do it, they sure as shootin' oughta be able to do it, too.
that's what happens tonight. what happened last night, for me, is where my wake-up call comes in.
last night, i received a facebook message saying that my church needs more volunteers to have their feet washed. would i be willing to volunteer?
first thing i did? first thing? i took off my shoes to examine the state of my pedicure.
second thing i did was run upstairs for the pumice stone. on the way to getting the pumice stone, i mulled over what color polish i should choose, too.
and then, my feet did what all humble feet should do - they stopped. they stopped dead in their unpainted, calloused tracks.