i just don't feel the need to do it.
it's funny. before the bottom fell out of my life, i enjoyed traveling. had a big long list of places i wanted to go. now, i don't. my big long list is now short. so short that it doesn't have any place on it that i haven't already been.
aren't i lucky? and smart?
you might think i'm the opposite of lucky and smart. you might think i'm:
- depressed
- small-minded
- boring
- in need of an energy drink
i am none of those things. trust me. i know myself better than you know me. most of you know me via a computer screen. come on.
my tragedy brought me to the best possible place on the map - home. i mean that figuratively. and literally.
sometimes (and i do have my moments), i think about going somewhere. somewhere exciting. somewhere new - fresh. somewhere where i can learn something different. appreciate something different. get to know people who are nothing like me. and then.....i realize.....
i'm there.