women can't have it both ways. they can't go decades telling men that they are about as necessary to a woman as a bicycle is to a fish and then be outraged when men bail on fatherhood.
in my practice, i hardly ever see a child with a dad. but i routinely see moms who are mad as hell about it. maybe these women should have given a little thought to "raise up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it" and paraphrased those words a bit.
today, most of the moms that i see in my job will be saying - or at least thinking - all manner of horrible things about their kids' dad. not that these dads are heroes. hardly.
but if we believe that we have a collective impact on one another - (and if you don't believe that, you're nuts) - then we can't ignore the truth. and if you tell someone long enough that he's not important - or worse - well......what exactly did you think was gonna happen?
as much as i wish a happy father's day to all the good dads out there, i wish a happy one to all the lousy ones more. they need our prayers more than the good dads who already get it and are already doing it.
and more than wishing the lousy fathers a happy father's day, i need to wish the angry moms one, too.
now. go get your bikes out of the trash.