
Thursday, November 20, 2014

i can't walk.

two people i love to pieces told me that today. they can't walk.

one of them can't walk due to old age and the other can't walk due to older age. i thought about my grandchildren and how they used to not be able to walk - due to young age.

they say that age is just a number and it doesn't matter. but it sure matters when you're 9-months old trying to crawl to 1 year.

they say it's just a number and it doesn't matter but when you're 86 and you walked and then you're 87 and you don't, it matters.

if you weren't in a wheelchair one day and then the next day you are, it matters.

i had a client tell me the other day that when she was a little girl, her father routinely kicked her to the floor and kept on kicking while she was down there. when she was in her 20s, her boyfriend tried to kick her the same way but she stood up and walked out.

it matters.

it's just something i'm thinking about as i run, thank you, Jesus, closer to 60.