fighting for someone else's rights means you run the risk of fighting for glory.
your own.
i have an activist friend who takes on racism, sexism, ageism, genderism, body sizeism, and foodism (there are only certain foods, you know, that are politically correct to eat - just ask michelle obama - or my friend). he even takes on car-ism, education-ism, and when he runs out of isms, he makes more up. after reading this, he will probably take on blog-ism.
his twitter and facebook feeds are full of outrage. 24/7. outrage, outrage, outrage. vitriol, vitriol, vitriol. calling you out, calling you out, calling you out. he thinks of himself as single-handedly running his very own underground railroad for every so-called oppressed person/group in the world. (at least, in this country. which, of course, he hates.)
he means well. he means very well. but he is the most self-centered, most vainglorious person i know. he is unbelievably misguided.
thee most activist person in the history of the world was Jesus Christ. he took on every cause my friend takes on - but with a striking difference. He leaves people - the ones who are paying attention, anyway - with nothing short of a fervent desire to be just like Him. and to obliterate everything He wanted to obliterate.
(as opposed to wanting to obliterate the obliterator.......which, forgive me, father, that's a sin.)
and not taking one ounce of credit for any of it.