
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

i'm not telling you how to run your monarchy

i'm not. but if i were:

  • dump the matching dress and coat that fall, ugh, just below your knees.
  • dump the matching hat.
  • if you need help dressing like a queen, watch my 3- and 6-year old granddaughters when they're playing dress-up.
  • there is not a 3- or 6-year old female child anywhere on the planet who dresses up like a queen in sensible pumps dyed the same color as the dress. (and the coat. and the hat.)
  • sit on your throne a little more often. wear your crown every day.
  • when i was homecoming queen, believe you me, i wore the crown.
  • stop with that itty bitty hand wave. you're the queen, for heaven's sake. you oughta either a.) do "the wave," or b.) do the happy dance. a fist bump would work, too. come on.
  • could you possibly, for one flippin second, smile?
  • as in, smile like you mean it.
  • get a glass coach.
  • they can't be that expensive.
  • besides.
  • just put it on england's credit card.
  • get the crown jewels outa the tower of london and wear them. you're the flippin' queen of england!
  • better yet......give them to charlotte.
  • she really doesn't want that
  • silver spoon.