
Saturday, May 16, 2015

food. it's what's for dinner.

i am not on the non-GMO bandwagon. i am not on the organic one.

i don't  really care, apart from economics, if it was grown locally or not.

if you're gluten-sensitive, fine. but i'm not.

i buy stuff from walmart.

i no longer think stacking food vertically on a plate is cool.

white bread still makes the best toast.

a regular burger is fine.

i would like to live in west virginia and just eat ham.

when this last bottle of balsamic vinegar is gone, i will not be replacing it.

if you want to do a juice fast, fine. but i don't.

i don't hate monsanto.

bacon and eggs will not kill me. and if they do, fine. something has to.

pizza is supposed to be bad for you.

i would like to live in kentucky and just eat ham.

the expiration dates don't get my panties in a bunch.

red eye gravy is the most under-appreciated food in the world.

cook like your grandma cooked.

white rice. thank you.

enough with the sweet potato fries thing.

eat your next tomato like an apple. at the sink.

catfish, slaw, and hush puppies.

the blue plate special is special.


think huck finn, tom sawyer, and sheriff andy taylor.

i would like to live in alabama and just eat ham.

while you're at it, teach your kids (you shouldn't even have to) how to play cowboys and indians, too.