selfies are...........wrong. stop taking them.
i am turning over a new leaf. (well, as much as one can turn over leaves in georgia. Lord, what i wouldn't give for an entire woods filled with color.)
but, i am turning (notice the tense of the verb......i did NOT say "turned") over a new leaf. i am going to stop being so self-centered - as much as i humanly can given the fact that God made me (and you) self-centered and then said, stop being self-centered.
i don't know why God made us self-centered and then said don't be self-centered. would an earthly parent let a kid run wild (well, actually, YES......all the TIME).......but, would an earthly parent let a kid run wild and then when he starts running wild say to the kid, stop running wild? like i said, earthly parent would. but not a GOOD earthly parent.
now, am i saying God is not good? no. but i AM saying He has an odd way of going about things.
be that as it may, making me (and you) self-centered and then asking us not to be self-centered is how He wants it, so how He wants it is how it should be.
stop taking selfies.