
Thursday, November 12, 2015

pumpkins as decoration. and yes, the dreaded S word - starbucks

i just drove by the entrance to an upscale subdivision and its gates and pillars were seasonally (and tastefully) decorated with pumpkins. and i thought...........wait a minute.

in many regions across the country, front yards and front porches are sporting mums and pumpkins and indian corn and cornstalks. as if we're rural people. as if we're farmers. as if we're any more connected to the fields where those products came from than the man in the moon. if we were really tuned into the earth, we wouldn't be sitting in upscale cafes drinking "pumpkin" (yeah, right....nothin' pumpkin about it) spiced lattes. we'd be on the front porch, cuz it's hot in those fields. chuggin' lemonade. with water that came from the well.

i think it is disingenuous to have it both ways - pumpkins in a subdivision and lattes at starbucks. make a choice. quit fooling yourself with romantic notions. it's phony. it's like the set for a movie or something. cozy and cute.

and phony.

the plain red cup, however, is not phony. starbucks is not a Christian company. they make no bones about that. nor should they. they are what they are.

are you?