
Saturday, February 4, 2012

things that are better plain

i had a grilled cheese from tim horton's yesterday and it reminded me of something......don't ever do it again.

oh, the sandwich was good enough, i'll give you that. but it was on panini. enough already with the panini, folks. panini may have its place, but on an american grilled cheese sandwich is not it. an american grilled cheese sandwich needs no adornment. the simpler, the better. the squishier,  the oozier, the better. panini does not squish. panini fights back.

i remember when bread was bread and truthfully, what was so wrong with that? what was so wrong with your good old basic wonder bread with melted cheese or peanut butter in the middle of it? nothing, that's what. nothing whatsofrickinever was wrong with that.

oh, the fiber. fiber schmiber. you want fiber - eat a tree. (no, wait. you can't do that. we're supposed to be saving trees. rats.)

besides a grilled cheese sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly one, here is the complete list of things that are better plain:

  • your face. babies don't wear make-up, do they?
  • pizza. just plain cheese pizza can. not. be beat.
  • clothes. jeans and a tee. and you're out the door.
  • m&ms.
  • Christmas decorations. a beautiful wreath on the door. done.
  • cars. they are trans. por. ta. tion., people. something designed to get you from here to there. why do you need leather to get you from here to there?
  • people. as in folks.

i have never met an erudite person that i liked better than barney fife.