
Sunday, February 5, 2012

this is "whatever happened to incense?"

i don't like incense. it gives me a borderline headache. it even smells like a headache.

i have a client whose parents love to burn incense in their home. no, i'm not naive and yes, it has occurred to me - more than once - why, when i go to their house, they always have incense burning.

for some insane reason known only to God, their favorite is cherry pie incense.

if it were up to me, i would much rather light a cherry pie candle than a cherry pie stick of incense.

if it were up to me, i would much rather bake an actual cherry pie.

this family baked an actual apple pie for thanksgiving last year and when they told me (on one visit) that they would be baking it (on my next visit), i thought to myself, at last! no more cherry incense smell!


here's how to ruin the smell of an apple pie baking in the kitchen: burn cherry incense in the living room.

the really sad part about this family and their incense is that i love this family. i love, love, love 'em. but, i had to say good-bye to them last week - not because their house gave me a headache, but because my client - their son - didn't need me anymore. he had achieved his treatment goals and was good for me to go.

but they gave me a thank you gift before i left.
