
Saturday, February 18, 2012

what happened to the rest of the vitamins?

why do we have vitamins a, b, c, d, and e and then nothing till k and then nothing after that? i mean, i would think the alphabet would have unionized by now and outlawed such discrimination.

i had to drag myself to the pharmacy today for some cold meds and while i was there, i decided to re-load my vitamin c supply. as i stood in front of the myriad of vitamins swirling in front of my bleary eyes, it dawned on me that more than half the alphabet got the shaft. sup with that?

i can sorta see why we don't have a vitamin f cuz just imagine all the jokes that would come from that. but why not, for instance, a vitamin s? i think the very words "vitamin s" have a wonderful ring to them and make a person feel better immediately just hearing them.

vitamin p would probably be the brunt of too many worn-out jokes, too, but what about t? vitamin t sounds like chamomile and rose hips all rolled into one. chamomile and rose hips surely ought to cure a cold.............right?

i think the reason i get sick so much is because i like to write and half the alphabet is left out of my system.