
Sunday, June 17, 2012


friars are monks who live in the city. betcha didn't know that, did ya?

some franciscan friars have come to live in the old convent at st. james the less catholic (what? as opposed to st. james the less baptist?) church here in columbus. st. james the less catholic (not methodist) church is in THE. HOOD.

what's funny is, usually it's the people in the hood themselves who might scare you but apparently, one of the friars, as he strolled up and down the main artery of THE. HOOD., cleveland avenue, scared the bejeebers outa somebody. some dude packin' heat and saggin' into oblivion came around the corner, bumped into the friar, and screamed. and then ran.

i love that story.

i love that story for one reason.......vulnerability.

tough as some of those brothers in THE. HOOD. are, they're more baby on the inside than jack, luke, and wendy.

which is what all of us are. more baby on the inside than babies.

and what do babies need to do? re-ly. they need to re-ly on someone stronger than themselves.

the friar chased the dude a couple of blocks.......just so he could tell him who.