we have a continuum of mental health services for children and adults where i work and one of the programs we offer is a therapeutic preschool. they have cutesie-pie names for the rooms in the therapeutic preschool, such as the dinosaur room and the koala room and the butterfly room and the panda room. and then there's the grizzly bear room, which, what's wrong with that picture? would you want your 3-year old identifying with a grizzly bear? i mean, 3-year olds have enough of their own grizzly bear moments without feeding (ha! pun!) it.
i don't really have any direct contact with our therapeutic preschool and i never go over there. it's in a part of the building that's removed from the part of the building where i am and practically the only reason that i even know that we even have a therapeutic preschool is because somebody from the therapuetic preschool is always being paged overhead. "will a staff person from the ladybug room please come to the front desk?"
the other day, for the first time (or at least for the first time that i paid any attention to), i heard one of our receptionists paging a staff person from the grizzly bear room. i stopped in my tracks. (bear? tracks? pun!)
why on earth, i wondered, do we have a grizzly bear room?
come to find out, we also have a tiger room. and a cougar room.
job security, i guess.