
Saturday, June 16, 2012


two things about pride - we aren't supposed to have too much of it and the amount of it that we do have is supposed to be kept private.

i had a client once who fought tooth and nail, with every drop of blood, sweat, and tears that a human being could possibly possess to overcome the hideous damage her father inflicted on her for 9 years of her childhood while he sexually abused her. the wounds this young woman suffered were among the worst - perhaps thee worst - that i have ever, ever seen in my 32-year plus career. i remember one therapy day with her in particular:

me - you have come so, so far.

her - yes.  i have. it hasn't been easy.

me - no, it hasn't. but you did it. you did it. you should be proud of yourself.

her - why?

me - because you have worked so hard to get where you are!

her - so?

me - staring at her blankly......

me - should be proud! you should shout it from the rooftops!

her - the only thing i should shout from the rooftops is, thank you, God. the rest of it, i'll keep to myself.