recently i have been grappling with a heavy moral dilemma, thanks to John 15:13 - "greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
(and no - lest all of you start to freak out - i am not talking about literally laying down my physical, breathing, alive life. although......i do think that's what john was talking about.)
i have not spoken to too many people about my dilemma but to those to whom i have spoken, all of them at least lean towards, no, don't lay down your life. most of them say, hell no, don't lay down your life!
they lean or say hell no for the following reasons: one, i've suffered enough. two, the person whose life i would lay down mine for caused all this crap in the first place. third, you have a right to protect yourself, nancy, and fourth, (closely related to third), don't be stupid, nancy.
and i agree. i agree with all of those arguments. but they do not satisfy this gnawing feeling inside of me that none of those arguments, in the end, can go toe-to-toe with what john was trying to say. they may be good arguments but still......they're bad arguments.
i am not called, am i, (nor are you) to lay down my life for my friend unless there is a good reason not to? (and let's be honest.....who here couldn't come up with a lot of "good" reasons not to?)
if i am called only to lay down my life for my friend unless there is a "good" reason not to, i wish john had said so.
but he didn't.