
Thursday, September 27, 2012

late to the tim tebow game

i don't pay attention to sports but i thought all the hullabaloo about tim tebow kneeling in prayer on the field was yesterday's news. but maybe not - someone re-posted that thing on facebook which shows a bunch of muslims kneeling on the floor in prayer and beside them is tim tebow kneeling on the football field. with words something to the effect of "why is this o.k." written under the picture of the muslims and "but this isnt" written under tim tebow.

why, indeed.

not only why is it ok for muslims to pray but not christians but why is it ok for just about everything else these days that everybody says is ok?

 to wit:

  • why is it ok to be "spiritual" but not religious?
  • why is it ok to be an eastern religion but not a western one?
  • why is it ok to make your mind up based on your mind rather than the mind of God?
  • why is it ok to be "forward" but not to be traditional? and don't tell me it's ok to be traditional. unless you're planning to vote for romney. 
  • why is everything you say ok and everything i say gets dismissed with the wave of your hand? like i'm stupid or somethin.
  • like God's stupid or somethin.