olivia likes to say, "watch my moves, gram," (and i always do). olivia has had "moves" since she was about 18 months old. and they're getting better all the time.
olivia's "moves" started out as disorganized and frantic. just jumpin' around fast, really. but now, they've got groove. they've got meaning.
she has moves on the dance floor, in her car seat, in the house, outside the house, in and outside of your house, and, most recently, on the gymnastics floor.
abby and eli enrolled her this fall in gymnastics. for a three-year old who taught herself to do a perfect cartwheel, it seemed like the logical thing to do.
and it was. is.
"floor ex" (as we call it in the business) is probably gonna be her forte, but she's already doing forward rolls on the balance beam. the balance beam, which is about 4" wide.......just about one inch for each year of how old she is. that's not shabby.
oh, parents and grandparents always think their kid is special. their kid is the one who's gonna go places, do things. win oscars. win emmys.
win medals.
i wonder where the olympics will be held in 2024.