
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

resolution: no baloney sandwiches

what you end up with when january 1st falls on a wednesday is a new year's sandwich. lotsa bread on one side, lotsa bread on the other. and not too much whatever in between. 

first of all, the bread on the one side is everything that's happened up till now. and the bread on the other side - hopefully just as thick - is everything that's gonna happen. and the whatever it is that you put in between (in my case, cream cheese, green olives, and walnuts) is the right here, right now. and with the new year only being about 8 hours old, the whatever it is you put in between isn't much.

but, on the other hand, shouldn't the "bread" be the thinnest parts? and shouldn't the right here, right now be the biggest part? because, without all that baloney, whattya got?

ah.................... the ba.lo.ney.

keep it thin all year, folks.